All posts by slamfireradio

Episode 503 – CCFR Lawsuit with Tracey Wilson

“Lightning thumbs” Wilson is on with Mo, Kelly, Adriel, and Kyle to talk about the CCFR’s lawsuit that’s in court right now. We talk about the process, how it’s going, next steps, and Twitter.

Tracey’s collected court tweets will be up on soon.

Episode 499 – Competing

Kelly, Adriel, Dave, Kyle and Mo are on to talk about competing. What are their plans for the year, and their goals are.

Kyle talks Superstition Mountain, Kelly is going pheasant hunting, Adriel talks about his recent 3 gun match, Dave went to the Toronto Sportsman show, and Mo talks about his most recent ORPS event and Voodu issues.

Episode 495 – Sporting Rifle & Hunting Rifle Competition with Jay

Maple syrup, hockey and saying “sorry”! Nothing says Canada like Sporting rifles. It’s Canada’s home grown Match Rifle Sport! On this week’s episode we are joined by National Champion Jay B to talk about Sporting Rifle and Hunting Rifle competition.

Find Jay at: