All posts by slamfireradio

Episode 454 Ken Kupsch – Canadian Field Sporting

On this week’s episode we were happy to have Canadian Shooting Royalty Ken Kupsch join us to talk about shotgunning and Canadian Field Sporting! Ken gives us some tips on getting into the sport, tells us about the upcoming championships and lets us know how to get your club involved. Stop by the Canadian Field Sporting Facebook page and website to get more details. Thanks for listening, join us as we record LIVE each Thursday. 

Episode 453 – Follow up shots

Hey, hey the gang’s all here! And on this week’s episode, we follow up on your responses to our question from last week… With a resounding (and very Canadian) way of doing things, we found that… Tune in to hear the results. Thanks for listening, join us next week as we chat about Canadian Field Sporting.

Episode 452 – Expectations on Range Guests

Have you ever been asked to take someone to the range? With the skyrocketing price of ammo do you charge anything? Or are you happy to absorb the cost as part of sharing our sport? What types of things do you do to prepare, or provide? We talk about this – right down to snacks, targets, guns, ammo, instruction… and safety. We would love to hear from you send us an email, drop us a Facebook message or hit us up on Instagram. Join us next week as we record live!

Episode 451 – Making a Gun Room

Gunroom, man cave, multipurpose bunker, lady lair (or layer, am I right?)… The pandemic has seen more and more people building their ultimate walk-in gun room. On this episode, we have listener Josh V join us to chat about the process he went through, his choices, and his recommendations for Adriel (and you). What would you include if you were building your “ultimate” gun room? Your “must” haves? Let us know at Thanks for listening, see you next week.

Episode 449 – How has Covid impacted your shooting?

COVID, rising prices, OIC – What a crazy couple of years… On this week’s episode we talk about how our shooting has been impacted by COVID, the risking cost of ammo/guns/parts and even the OIC. It has been a rough two years, but shooting has been one area that has helped us pull through. How has your shooting been affected? We want to know. Send us an email –

Episode 448 – Runkle of the Bailey on Can-con, Amnesty extension

Get your CanCon, Get your CanCon… This week’s episode has everyone’s favourite Legal Defence Lawyer and YouTuber – Ian Runkle! Ian joins us to chat about the amnesty extension, C-11 and what does this mean for Canada’s content providers (including Slam Fire Radio). Oy! Plus we do the usual – What We Did In Guns, and read your listener feedback… Join us next week, for another episode.

Episode 446 – The Everyday Marksman

“It’s not just about firearms and marksmanship, but a complete package of skills.” On today’s episode, Matt Robertson of the Everyday Marksman Podcast joins us to chat about marksmanship, his podcast, articles and his journey through shooting and life. Check out his back catalog, YouTube channel, and his website for reviews and challenges for an “adventurous life”. Thanks for listening, don’t forget to join us LIVE each Thursday 7:00pm EDT.

Episode 445 –

From eh to zed! Everything you need is at! On this week’s episode Graham and Darren of chats with us about the online store and the brick and mortar location at the Home Hardware in Newbury, Ontario. We talk about their website, and how each month there is a featured brand (it’s Ruger month!!), and how they combine service, price and one stop shopping (seriously!). if you do go into the retail location tell them we sent you… While you are there, pick up some smoked meat, beer, ammo and reno materials. Check out their informative and fun articles. And finally, a big shout to Graham and his team for giving back to gun owners across Canada by sponsoring programs and for supporting their local community.