All posts by slamfireradio

Episode 327

Just like Seinfield – The show about nothing and everything…. With the cancellation of our guest this week we asked you, our listeners for a list of show topics that you wanted to hear about and we then promptly filed those for later. On this week’s show Trevor, Kelly and Adriel discuss the recent election results and what it means. We read your emails, tell you what we did in guns and “drumroll” Trevor makes an announcement. Have a listen.

Episode 326 – Weapon or Firearm?

“This is my rifle, this is my gun, this is for fighting, this is for shooting IPSC targets”. On this week’s episode Adriel, Kelly and Dave debate the results of our recent Facebook survey on what our listeners call their firearms. We discuss if the terminology has an influence or impact on non gun owners and new gunnie thoughts about firearms. We also read your emails, talk about what’s new in guns and even a little politics is discussed. Have a listen and get our and vote!

Episode 325 – Integrity Tour

Integrity – One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised. On this week’s episode Rod Gultaca CEO of the Canadian Coalition of Firearm Rights joins Kelly, Adriel and Trevor to talk about the #Integrity Tour that is taking place. The CCFR is rolling across the country talking to everyday people, stopping at candidates offices and even had an opportunity to speak (on camera) with Bill Blair about the Liberal gun policy. Rod bring us up to speed about what we can do as firearm owners – be united and get out there and vote! We also read your emails, talk about what is new in guns and announce some new events that are happening! Have a listen.

Episode 323 – Hunting Small Game

Be very very quiet I’m hunting wabbits! It’s that time of the year again! On this week’s episode we are talking small game hunting, Trevor gives us a breakdown on the EBAR match he just attended and chat about the newest CCFR announcement: #IntegrityTour. Sit back, relax, have some rabbit stew and have a listen.

Episode 322 – Destination Disney

Popcorn, get your popcorn! This week we have some very special guests High Capacity Magazine Corie Levitt and NAS Guns and Ammo Dave Fuller on to talk about a fundraiser they are spearheading to help send a very special girl to Disney. Destination Disney – Hayden’s Popcorn Draw. Please check it out and help send Hayden to Disney. Plus we have Rick Katigbak and Denis Chouinard on to talk ORPS! And stuff… Thanks for listening.

Episode 321 – Taccom Recap

Come one, come all to the greatest show on earth… Or at least in Canada! TACCOM!!! We have Tracey Wilson, of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights, join us to talk about why TACCOM is now being called the Shot Show of the North. Plus Trevor, Adriel, Random Dave and Kelly bring everyone up to speed on the shenanigans they have been up to. And as always, we read your emails talk about the news. Have a discussion of needing safe words and explain why Trevor’s audio sounds like he is in a wind tunnel. Thanks for listening!!

Episode 320 – The Dream Range?

You’re just a daydream away! This week we asked our listeners about what features they think would make the “PERFECT” range! Adriel, Trevor and Kelly discuss the feedback as well as what we would like to see. As always, we also review the news, talk about what we did in guns and read your emails. Have a listen!