All posts by slamfireradio

Episode 319 – Wax On

AAAHHHHH Kelly Clarkson! That’s right, it is time to re-create the chest waxing scene in the 40 Year Old Virgin! This week Brian Scheetz, of Valkyrie Defense, joins us to help us make a fundraising annoucement for the 10th Annual Canadian Pro-Gun Podcasters Charity Shoot. You have to listen to hear exactly how we are going to link everything together. This might be the most fun Charity Shoot yet!

Spencer’s ‘Merica

Episode 318 – Canadian 3 Gun Rulesets

Random Dave and Adriel are joined by Kyle, Peter, and Everett to talk about 3 gun rulesets in Canada. We touch on 3 Gun Nation, UML, and USPSA Multigun rulesets, the differences and the similarities.

3 Gun talk starts at 25:16

Episode 317 – Media Bias Report

What??? The media has a bias against gun owners? Shocking I know! On this week’s episode Rod Giltaca, CEO of the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights joins us to talk about the report that was recently commissioned which shows a media bias against firearm rights and supports gun control measures. The study isolated the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and completed an analysis of online media sources from over the 2018 year. We also read your email, chat about what we did in guns and wish Better Trevor a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a listen.

CCFR Study on CBC Bias:

Episode 315 – IPSC Nationals Prep

On this week’s episode Adriel, Kelly and Trevor chat about the IPSC Nationals that are taking place in La Belle Province. CFB Valcartier is hosting this year’s event, Trevor gave us an update on how he is shooting and about IPSC Quebec’s first time hosting an event like this. We also talk about the news, chat about Maccabee Defense’s big announcement and make some recommendations about guns. Have listen!

Episode 314 – Summer Slam Pre-Match Shoot

On this week’s episode – Gallen, the new Squire, some Random guy named Dave, Adriel, Trevor and Kelly have a chance to chat about Summer Slam and how the pre-shoot went. We talk – PCCs, squibs and out of battery detonations as well as injuries. It was a rough day for some and not so much for others. Overall, Summer Slam XIII is shaping up to be the best one yet. Have a listen!

Episode 313

On this week’s episode – Kelly is back from Mapleseeding, Trevor is cranky from lack of sleep, Adriel is laughing at his own jokes and Matthew is off flying…. So a regular week on SFR. We catch up on what everyone has been doing in guns, chat about the western tour Kelly and Adriel had with Project Mapleseed, discuss trophy hunting and Trevor gives us an update on SummerSlam. PODCARTING at its best! Thanks for listening!