All posts by slamfireradio

SFR Episode 195 – Matt from

Adriel and Matthew are left to their own devices this week. They speak with Matt from Sound Moderators Canada about creating petitions for sound moderators. Listeners, get out and sign those petitions!


SFR Episode 194 – Brian’s Show!

Ever want to know the dirt on Trevor? How about Adriel starring in a movie? Did you know Kelly is not from here?? Tonight Brian Scheetz, of Valkyrie Defense Group,  is a guest host and roasts us based on the dirt that he collected from his confidential informants. Sadly Matthew misses out on all the fun however, there just might be some bonus material in the outtakes. Trevor and Adriel spend 5 minutes arguing about the same thing. We also read all our listener feedback. Have a listen!

*There were some pops in the audio until the 5 minute mark. Somehow, I’d like to blame Matthew.

SFR Episode 192 – Firearms Advisory Committee

Slam Fire Radio interviews Tracey Wilson, Chairperson from the CCFR, about Ottawa’s new firearms advisory committee and what it could mean for Canadian Firearms owners.  Trevor spends way too much time talking about himself, we make some announcements and the show gets a little awkward thanks to Matthew.

SFR Episode 191 – Amputee Shooter Interview

Slam Fire Radio interviews Graeme, AKA Amputee Shooter, about shooting precision rifle and getting into shooting. Kelly fills us in on what she was up to in the US and the crew go over new guns coming out of SHOT show.

Matthew forgot: Phillip H made his linear muzzlebrake

SFR Episode 189 – Daniel Shaw from Gunfighter Cast

It’s a long one today! Trevor, Matthew and Adriel speak with Daniel Shaw from the Gunfighter Cast about safely teaching shooting classes. Well, at least that was the idea from the outset, but we ended up talking about all sorts of topics. Squirrel!


SFR Episode 188 – Buying and Selling Guns

Are you wondering what to look for if you are buying or selling a gun? Adriel and Kelly talk about tips to ensure that you get the best price for what you are selling, find that smokin’ deal on what you are buying and know what to look for. We read all your emails, chat about some upcoming events and develop plans to take over Slam Fire Radio while Trevor and Matthew are off hunting Pokemon. Just kidding Trevor!

Listener Josh’s AR in 6.8SPC

Listener Pat’s 45 Colt and 9mm reloads:


SFR Episode 187 – Shooting in the Cold

Without adult supervision, Trevor, Matthew and Adriel talk about survival tips for shooting in the frozen Canadian winters. All the way from appropriate gun oils to clothing strategies and more.


  • CCFR video on 10/22 magazine reclassification:
  • Matthew’s latest ultralight video:

SFR Episode 186 – Christmas for Kids Live Show

We all know that Trevor has no shame, and Kelly has a big mouth. So Kelly promised if Trevor would shave his legs on video, she would get him the Magpul Hunter X-22 stock that he has been wanting (just like Ralphie wanting the Red Ryder BB Gun). Trevor was in (was there ever any doubt???)!

Trevor posted on the SFR Facebook page that this was going to happen and there were many comments that people wanted video and even would pay to see it… That is where this idea was born!

We will be having a LIVE podcast on December 22, 2016 and everyone is welcome to tune in, participate in the live stream and watch Trevor as he shaves his legs.

And since Trevor gets a stock out of this, the rest of the gang thought why not give a Christmas to some deserving families who could use some brightness, cheers and maybe a present or two.

“Almost Home” is located in Kingston Ontario and families come and stay here while their child is at one of Kingston’s near by hospitals. Since Kingston is the Oncology center for South Eastern Ontario the services of Almost Home are used frequently.

We will be collecting donations from our listeners (and viewers) right up until the 24th. Once the money is collected we will go shopping for some presents, some supplies and some Christmas goodies and then deliver them to the home.

Thank you to all our listeners for making some sick children and their families Christmas a little brighter!

Trevor, Adriel, Matthew and Kelly
Help spread the word!