The Christmas Episode! No guest this week so it’s just the three of us. We cover a self defense story in the news and cover almost all of the listener feedback regarding what you guys want for gun related gear this Christmas. A special celebrity returns with an audio submission as well.
Zeke and ‘Lefthand’ from Talking Lead join Matthew and Bolivar this week to basically cause chaos and mayhem. Steve Lee joins us for a few minutes as well because, well, why not…? Trevor and Owen are off doing things and stuff.
We talk to a girl this week… A REAL LIVE GIRL!!! Tiffany joins us from ‘Murica to talk to us about carrying a gun every day for self defense. Luc Giroux also joins us again mostly just to hang out because he was in the area.
Jason Philp joins us this week to talk about shotgun games. He fills us (well… Owen) in on the difference between skeet and clays, and tells us a bit about trap and sporting clays as well. Be sure to stay tuned at the end for some epic outtakes!
Luc Giroux joins us this week to talk about LHS holsters. Matthew finally bags some game with Matt breaking the year long drought, Owen schools us all on firearms identification (aka the fasted “googler”) and Trevor goes on and on again about how his 1911 isn’t.
Greg McDonald joins us this episode to talk about the new Norinco Type 97, we get another cool audio submission from a listener on the West side of the country, and Trevor sells a Glock to buy a dishwasher. Irony anyone?
This week we’re joined by Dan Balofsky, aka Cyclone on CGN to hear about his latest court date with the Ontario CFO. As if that wasn’t cool enough a long time listener weighs into the beard cage match challenge!
Early this week yo! This is what happens when Fur-Latte does the editing. (with much guidance from Matthew McLatchy) Join us to hear about how wrong we are when it comes to hunting and find out what our preferred Zombie gun would be!
All kinds of cool guys join us after the 3 gun match to talk about how it went. And, not that we’re bragging or anything but, your three humble hosts managed to take home first, second, and third place prizes.