All posts by slamfireradio

Episode 529 – Cheapest Hunting Rifles

Adriel, Kyle, and Kelly are on to talk about the cheapest hunting rifles in Canada. We talk pros/cons with the cheapest stuff, which are cheap AND good, and which ones to steer clear of.

Cheapest deer rifle

Cheapest small game rifle

Episode 528 – Ternion International

David from Ternion International is on to talk about their new firearms business, what they’re bringing into the country, and show off some really cool shotguns and other firearms.

Mo makes the most of some downtime with a bit of dry fire and firearms maintenance while Kyle talks about his recent pistol match and some trigger issues.

Find Ternion International at:


Episode 527 – Tracey Wilson on the Amnesty Extension

Tracey from the CCFR is on to talk about the amnesty extension, give an update on the court case, and answer listener questions.

Adriel is tempted by cheap gun prices, Kelly talks SheShoots, Mo sells his bespoke ammo equipment, and Kyle talks about trigger troubles.