Adriel Michaud

Hailing from Edmonton, Alberta, Adriel has been hunting all his life. He primarily hunts coyotes, whitetail deer, grouse, and gophers (Richardson’s ground squirrels) and started getting into action shooting in 2015.

Adriel has written for the Hunting Gear Guy website since 2012, made firearms and hunting videos on YouTube since 2014, and joined Slam Fire on Episode 125 in 2015.

Adriel is a shoot boss for Project Mapleseed in Alberta, shoots and RO’s 3 gun matches, teaches PAL & RPAL courses in Edmonton, and loves reviewing new gun and hunting gadgets.

Kelly Lynn

Kelly Melanson Wheaton, known as Kelly Lynn on social media, is a prominent markswoman from Ontario, making significant contributions to the Canadian shooting sports community.
As co-host of Slam Fire Radio, she shares her extensive knowledge and perspective. Kelly is the first Canadian woman to qualify at Appleseed and was instrumental in bringing Project Mapleseed to Canada, where she and her team teach marksmanship nationwide.
Kelly holds leadership roles as the Ontario Director and former Vice President of Women’s Programs for the CCFR, actively promoting women’s involvement in shooting sports through events and fundraisers. She is a CCFR RSO course instructor, delivers handgun courses, and is part of her local club’s orientation team.
An avid skeet shooter, Kelly also competes in IPSC and holds a hunting license. Additionally, Kelly co-hosts the SHE SHOOTS podcast, which focuses on women in the firearms industry in Canada.
On Slam Fire Radio, she contributes insights, promotes episodes, writes show descriptions, and hosts segments, especially those aimed at women.
• Kelly on Instagram
• Kelly is an instructor with Project Mapleseed
• Kelly’s contact through the CCFR
Kyle Warner

Kyle grew up deer hunting in western Alberta. He had always been around firearms but didn’t get into sport shooting till 2014 when he shot his first 3 gun match. After that he was hooked and dove head first into the world of competition. He was introduced to the sponsorship side of things when he was asked to join a 3-gun team in 2015, whom he shot with till 2017 when the team broke up and he went on to shoot as a solo sponsored shooter. Not only shooting matches, over the years Kyle has put on and match directed numerous 3-gun matches at his home range. After building his own shotgun for 3-gun, he started Lunatic Tactical-modifying/building shotguns for action shooting and is currently expanding his offerings.
Kyle still shoots 3-gun, traveling around Western Canada and into the US for matches. In recent years, he got into IPSC competitions, shooting both Pistol and Shotgun, and is ramping up the IPSC matches he shoots. Kyle also shoots a little bit of sporting clays. Basically, Kyle loves everything to do with the shooting sports and his insatiable appetite for competition has him checking out and trying new sports.
Aside from shooting competitions, Kyle is an avid hunter. He typically hunts Moose, Elk, and Deer in both, Archery and rifle seasons. He is also very active at his home range, Wapiti Shooters Club in Grande Prairie Alberta. Having served as Pistol Co-Director, 3-Gun Director, and Vice-President – He is currently on the executive as Past-Vice President.
@kyle_3gun (insta)
@kyle warner (FB)
@lunatictactical (insta)
@Lunatic Tactical (FB)
Dave “RandomDave” Kratky

Random Dave has been involved in pew pews since the mid 1990s, competition shooting and hunting since 2009, and is deeply resentful about being forced to care about politics due to his lifestyle. He is passionate about Service Conditions shooting and these days spends more times running events than shooting them. He is mildly resentful of this, but it is a self induced issue.
Dustin “Switch” Lange

Born and raised in Saskatchewan, Dustin has been around guns his whole life. Learning to hunt from his Grandfather at an early age he has grown up with an understanding and appreciation for the importance of private firearms ownership. He enjoys hunting deer in the BC backwoods, and takes part in shooting sports from clay shooting, to 3 gun, and has his eye on PRS in the future.
Dustin moved to BC in his early 20’s to pursue a career in film and television, and today is a professionally recognized Prop Master and a proudly licensed Armorer having been blessed with the privilege to work for and learn from the best in the industry.

A vocal advocate for firearms rights in Canada, Dustin has been a field officer for the CCFR since the organization was founded. He has also spent countless personal hours involved with his local provincial and federal politicians working to help give gun owners a voice in Canada, spearheading several efforts from bringing federal politicians to the range to understand the ramifications of C-71, to organizing the Vancouver portion of the CCFR election flyer drive during the last federal election.
As a member of the LGBT Dustin has also worked to grow queer representation in the firearms community and help dispel some of the stigma around the shooting sports within the larger LGBT group. Offering many a safe place to learn about firearms and helping teach them fundamental knowledge and skills, Dustin has helped many to become firearms owners.

On Slamfire, it is Dustin’s hope to bring a slightly different perspective to the show, and share some of the unique experiences he has gained from his career in film as well as political advocacy.
Tony Zhu

Representing the New Shooter and Asian Population, Tony got his PAL in 2021. Coming from a Non-Shooting Family, he knew nothing about Sport Shooting. Thanks to the CCFR Canada DownRange Series, he learned about Action Shooting in Canada and dived into IPSC and Steel Challenge. (But it was already too late.)
Described as “a really avid listener and commenter”, Tony appeared as a guest on Episode 532 and 556 before joining as a Slam Fire Host on Episode 566.
Based out of Calgary, Alberta, he earned himself the Nickname “CowTown Tony”, and self-proclaimed the Title of “Steward of the BTSA.”
Due to a lack of pistols, Tony mainly competes in the PCC Divisions in multiple Action Shooting disciplines, but sometimes completes objectives with a borrowed pistol.
As a side quest, Tony also dabbles in High Volume Hand Loading and Cartridge Technologies, continuing the legacy of Canadian Reload Radio.
Past Hosts
Trevor has been surrounded by firearms his whole life. Growing up in a gun friendly home, he learned to shoot and hunt from his father at a very early age. His university years cause some down time in his firearms activities, but once settled after school, Trevor updated his PAL to included both non-restricted and restricted acquisitions.
Although he intended to start shooting IPSC back in 2004, he was side tracked by archery until January of 2011 when he bought his first handgun. Since that time, Trevor has become an active member of two local gun clubs and has been shooting IPSC matches all over NB since the summer of 2011.
These days, Trevor is getting back into RC but he still shoots IPSC matches.
Matthew McLatchy
Growing up in both Ontario and New Brunswick, Matthew has experienced both the urban and rural aspects of gun ownership in Canada. Now residing in North-Western New Brunswick, he enjoys hunting in the thousands of square kilometers that the mostly uninhabited area offers. Pursuing mostly small game, he can most often be found tramping through woods during hunting season in search of Ruffed Grouse with his trusty Mossberg 500. Outside of hunting season, the range is where you’ll most likely find him, shooting home-made steel gongs with his .22s.
These days, Matthew is mostly in the air or at the airport. You can see more of what he’s up to on his YouTube channel. Matthew on YouTube
Mo Talarico

Born and raised in Ontario, now resides in Quebec. Didn’t grow up with firearms and only found a love for them later in life. Now they consume most of his free time. He is also passionate about protecting our rights to own and use them.
Continues to work on improving his shooting skills and competing in IPSC. Also learning more about the firearms world and trying new shooting sports.
Looks forward to being more involved in growing firearms ownership and sports in Canada. Also being part of the Slamfire team.