Is there a favorite movie or video game gun that formed your collecting and shooting experience? In this episode, Adriel, Kelly, Tony, and Dustin talk about famous movie guns.
Tony, Adriel, and Kelly are on to talk about the government’s recently released gun buyback list. If you were holding on hope that you’d be able to keep your FIM-92 Stinger, we have bad news for you.
Tony talks 6.5 Manlicher, Adriel buys an FPC, and Kelly reviews a recent She Shoots episode.
Kelly, Kyle, and Adriel are joined by new hosts Tony and Dustin. They regale us with tales of how they got into guns, we talk about the new Crusader Crypto rifle, 10/30 mags, and more.
Adriel and Kyle discuss recent shooting matches, PAL/RPAL courses, and how to beat the heat when shooting. Tactics include funny hats, water, instant noodle packs, and hoodies that aren’t warm.
Kyle, Kelly, and Adriel talk about 3 gun shotguns in this episode. We talk about what models are out there, mods, choke tubes, loading port, extension tubes, basically a lot of tubes.
Kelly, Adriel, Dave, and Kyle are joined by Brian with a Y, aka the conquistador, to talk about Mapleseed’s new “Known Distance” event that it’s bringing to Canada this year.
Kyle, Kelly, and Adriel are joined by guest host Dustin to talk about political activism. Dustin shares some tips on how to reach out and make yourself heard.